NHGRI National Dna Day 20th Anniversary

NHGRI National Dna Day 20th Anniversary Symposium by NHGRI

NHGRI National Dna Day 20th Anniversary Symposium- This year's National DNA Day will be celebrated by a symposium held by the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the initial discovery of the DNA double helix as well as the 20th anniversary of the Human Genome Project's accomplishment.

  • Join us as we discuss the past, present, and potential of genomics research, as well as the larger consequences of genomics on society and the wide variety of professions careers available in genetics and genomics, ranging from social media professionals to scientists.
  • The Louise M. Slaughter National DNA Day Lecture will conclude up the schedule of events.
  • The public is welcome to attend this programme for free. Come join us in person or remotely.

Please follow - #NHGRIevents  #DNADay23




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