World Chagas Disease Day

This chagas disease caused by the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi

This chagas disease caused by the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi in 1909 by Brazilian physician Carlos, transmitted to animals and people by insect vectors, is present only in the Americas chagas disease also referred to as American trypanosomiasis.

  • World Chagas Disease Day
  • 14th April 2023
  • Now Time to take action to convert integrate Chagas disease into primary health care services
  • 6–7 million population infected, worldwide
  • Approx 12,000 individual disease-related deaths, every year (average)
  • 30,000–40,000 new cases reported per year

What is the chagas disease

  • This chagas disease caused by the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi in 1909 by Brazilian physician Carlos, transmitted to animals and people by insect vectors, is present only in the Americas chagas disease also referred to as American trypanosomiasis.
  • By 2023, we desire to bring focus to Chagas disease, the suffering it causes, and the need for reasonable treatment and healthcare for all those who are afflicted.
  • Time to incorporate Chagas disease into primary health care is the hot focus topic for 2023, meaning that national healthcare monitoring and detection should start at the most basic level possible of the health system. Low detection rates (10%, commonly 1%) and frequent challenges to receiving good health care are common in many nations.
  • Chagas disease is common among the underprivileged people of western Latin America, but it is also being found more often in other nations and continents. It is sometimes referred to as a "silent and muted disease" since the majority of afflicted people exhibit no symptoms or just very minor ones. Chagas disease affects 6-7 million individuals globally, and it causes 12,000 fatalities annually.


This chagas disease is caused by the parasite trypanosoma cruzi. This parasite disease is linked with the ischemic stroke in latin america. It is a Current public health situation organization trying to develop a vision to prevent this disease.




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